calf and quad tightness massage

Lower Leg Massages in Tallahassee

Ouch! Lower Leg Muscle Cramps (calves and quads) can be annoying, painful and recurring…especially for local Tallahassee athletes, joggers, cyclist and other. And yes, even for folks who sit behind desks all day or do weekend gardening. Your lower leg muscles get a lot more work than you might imagine. And they do get tight. They do get injured. Cramps …

massage website

Most Visited Pages on Our Tallahassee Massage Website

Hello! We redesigned our website 2 months ago now (in early August 2016). The primary goal of the redesign was to better represent the variety of massage services that we provide to our patients throughout the greater Tallahassee area. The secondary goal was for our website to be more visible online when people were searching for things like “best Tallahassee …

massage benefits for clients in tallahassee fl

25 Benefits of a Tallahassee Massage

We absolutely love this list of benefits for getting a massage. It’s comprehensive and all-inclusive. The list was compiled by the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA). You can find the complete list here. At Advance Alternatives Massage Therapy in Tallahassee, it’s our job to help our patient receive these benefits. Some of our patients see us because they simply want …