1910 Buford Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32308
We redesigned our website 2 months ago now (in early August 2016). The primary goal of the redesign was to better represent the variety of massage services that we provide to our patients throughout the greater Tallahassee area. The secondary goal was for our website to be more visible online when people were searching for things like "best Tallahassee massage" or "sports massage therapy in Tallahassee" or "massage gift certificates in Tallahassee."
Good news!
Since August 12 when the site launched, through today...we've had a little over 1,000 visitors to the site and those folks have viewed over 5,000 pages (about 5 pages looked at per visitor). We think that's awesome!
So what are people searching for in Tallahassee?
Well, when they're online searching for massage services...here is where they are visiting on our website. We think this is a good representation of what people want and need -- ranging from relaxing to recovery.
Most visited page: our homepage (that's pretty obvious).
After that though, they want to know 1) what we do, and 2) who we are, and 3) what specifically we do...
In order by most pages visited...
Our skilled massage therapists can offer solutions to help you.
We’re here for you. Please contact our office and schedule a time to visit our office. Call 850-325-1331 to learn more or schedule an appointment.
Advanced Alternatives Massage Therapy, 1910 Buford Blvd, Tallahassee, FL 32308. Call 850-325-1331
©2024 Advanced Alternatives
The guidelines on this site are for information purposes only. Seeking professional advice before beginning rehabilitation is recommended.
This web site is operated by an independent LifeWave brand partner. All trade marks and patents of LifeWave belongs to LifeWave. We do not lay claim to any of these rights.