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Tallahassee, FL
(850) 325-1331
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(850) 325-1331

Massage Therapists Devote Time Helping Others

It's not unusual for massage therapists to chip in an help when things get bad.

We just read a recent issue of Massage Magazine where they highlighted massage therapists in Texas who have volunteered their services in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

>> Read the full article here <<

The entire article is worth a quick read, but here are the closing paragraphs...

But if history is a teacher in this regard, the stress, tension and pain that lodges in the bodies of first responders and other service personnel will be relieved by the helping hands of massage therapists willing to step up, reach out, and volunteer healing touch in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

Kirsten Genchur, the massage therapist who drove from Austin to provide massage to first responders staying at Katy High School, described how touch helps in a way that is simple yet profound: “When they’re feeling better, they’re able to go and do more rescues, to do more when they’re feeling their best. I was helping people help more people.”

It's people like Kirsten and others featured in the article who help turn tragedy into something less so. They're support, concern and generosity of spirit are never overlooked.

Massage Therapists in Tallahassee - Learn More Today

Our skilled massage therapists can offer a variety of massage therapy solutions to help you.

We’re here for you and would love to talk to you about how me might be able to address issues you're having with your body!

Please contact our office and schedule a time to visit our office. Call 850-325-1331 to learn more or schedule an appointment.


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Advanced Alternatives Massage Therapy, 1910 Buford Blvd, Tallahassee, FL 32308. Call 850-325-1331

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