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1910 Buford Blvd.  Tallahassee, FL 32308

(850) 325-1331
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Tallahassee, FL
(850) 325-1331
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(850) 325-1331

Reduce Stress During The Holidays

With 10 more days until Christmas, for many of us in Tallahassee the level of stress has the ability to increase each day.

Hopefully that's not the case for you, but if it are some simple tips for reducing your stress.

We really like #3: Discover the Joys of Small Things!

To read the full article at at (yes...a money focused website) click here.

1. Unplug One Day a Week

2. Force Yourself to Slow Down

3. Discover the Joys of Small Things

4. Give

5. Reduce

6. Get Some Exercise

7. Learn to Say “No”

8. Have Realistic Expectations

9. Don’t Over Indulge

How Can We Help You Relieve Stress During and After the Holidays?

Our skilled massage therapists can offer solutions to help you.

We’re here for you. Please contact our office and schedule a time to visit our office. Call 850-325-1331 to learn more or schedule an appointment.


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Advanced Alternatives Massage Therapy, 1910 Buford Blvd, Tallahassee, FL 32308. Call 850-325-1331

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