1910 Buford Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32308
Do you live in Tallahassee -- have continual headaches -- and are searching for an alternative to pain pills for your throbbing head?
Perhaps a massage from our licensed therapists can help?
A few months ago a patient came to see us about headaches she was experiencing.
She had heard about Advanced Alternatives Massage Therapy through a friend and schedule an appointment.
The reason she gave for her visit was that she'd been dealing with constant headaches and didn't know why. Before visiting a doctor, she's wanted to find out more about massage therapy for headaches and neck pain. She's heard from her friend that a massage might be just what she needed.
According to the ACA (American Chiropractic Association) up to 95 percent of all headaches are stress and/or muscular tension related and not caused by disease of any kind. For her, news like that was actually reassuring -- she didn't feel like she had migraines most likely, just good solid headaches that stuck around too long and were uncomfortable.
We were able to set up a plan of treatment for her and get her on the road to recovery from the symptoms she's been dealing with.
Our massage therapists are skilled in injury rehab and pain relief. We have worked with numerous clients who have suffered for years and found relief through our customized massage techniques.
We're here for you. Please contact our office and schedule a time to visit our office. Call 850-325-1331.
Advanced Alternatives Massage Therapy, 1910 Buford Blvd, Tallahassee, FL 32308. Call 850-325-1331
©2024 Advanced Alternatives
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