1910 Buford Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32308
Due to the high volume of clients in pain and seeking services, your appointment is considered a billable and/or a Pre-Paid time slot.
Please provide at least 24 hours’ notice if you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment. This gives us enough time to fill this time slot.
Your Credit Card information may be required in order to secure your appointment and shall be charged the full appointment fee should you fail to attend your appointment without notice.
PLEASE, be considerate of your therapists time and others who are in pain and need to be seen.
If you fail to cancel 24 hours before your massage appointment, an invoice for the cost of service will be issued and/or payment may be charged to your Card on file.
Future appointments may be require pre-payment.
*emergency issues may be discussed with your Therapist only.
Please remit payment within 10 days of receipt to avoid collection procedures.
Advanced Alternatives Massage Therapy is located at 1910 Buford Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32308. We are conveniently located off Capital Circle NE in front of the Regional Hospital.
Advanced Alternatives Massage Therapy, 1910 Buford Blvd, Tallahassee, FL 32308. Call 850-325-1331
©2024 Advanced Alternatives
The guidelines on this site are for information purposes only. Seeking professional advice before beginning rehabilitation is recommended.
This web site is operated by an independent LifeWave brand partner. All trade marks and patents of LifeWave belongs to LifeWave. We do not lay claim to any of these rights.