Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) Massage in Tallahassee

Sometimes called “Trigger Point Therapy”, is advanced massage therapy for pain relief. NMT relieves pain by addressing painful myofascialtrigger points that are both tender to the touch, and capable of referring pain signals to other parts of the body. In Neuromuscular Therapy the therapist also manipulates muscle attachments, musclebellies, and tendons in addition to the trigger points. This approach usually results in long-lasting relief.

Rates for this massage:

  • 30 minutes $45.00
  • 60 minutes $85.00
  • 90 minutes $120.00

Customized Sessions

Our highly trained therapists are skilled in injury rehab and pain relief and offer a wide range of massage modalities with their unique, personal styles and special techniques. Your session will always be customized for your individual needs and recommendations may be given to include stretches, posture tips, lifestyle modifications or follow-up care with other modalities or practitioners.

Looking to take control of your health?
We can Help!

Therapists Available 7 Days A Week by Appointment